2048 A.I.

Developing a Deep Q-Learning Agent


Training progress over 30000 iterations.


Training progress over 100000 games. As seen, the average score gets higher and higher by the number of training samples! to put in context, a completely random agent achieves ~700 points per round.

Final Report for Olin Spring 2016 Exposition


Actions: - left/right/down/up

States: n*m (i.e. 16 for 4X4 grid)

Parameters: - Network: - Topology(#layers,neurons), @ Agent.h - Learning Rate, @ Agent.h - Weight Decay, @ Agent.h - SARSA: - Learning Rate(alpha), @ GameManager.h - Discount Rate for future rewards(gamma) @ GameManager.h - Random Selection Rate(epsilon) @ Agent.h - Epoch - Command Line - Normalizing reward - Normalization: @ GameManager.h - r /= 2048.0 - r /= maxR - r = 1 - 1/r - Terminal State: @ GameManager.h - -1 - 0


  • [x] Board Complete
  • [x] Game Logic Complete (for verification)
  • [x] Q-Learning Agent Implementation – faulty
  • [x] Experience Replay
  • [ ] ConvNet (if needed)
  • [x] SARSA or Off-Policy Q-Learning? –> Hybrid(Initially random-exploration, going off to SARSA)
  • [ ] SIGINT Handling to stop training & view result
  • [x] Save/Load Trained Network
  • [x] Debugging Premature Capping Problem
  • [x] Better Determination of Terminal State
  • [x] Replace Deterministic Max Q-Value Exploration with Probabilistic Exploration
  • [x] Debug Neural Network : Back Propagation Doesn’t seem to occur effectively.
    • Neural Network seems to be doing fine, simply a numerical instability for small numbers.
  • [x] Fix Game Logic Bug : Jumping Across Blocks
    • Was Running Old Code
  • [x] Converting vectors into templates (since they are fixed-size)
  • [x] Change Neural Net to Output Q-value for 4 actions as outputs
    • (i.e. Q(S) –(net)–> {Q(S,a1),Q(S,a2)…})
  • [x] Implement RMSProp to automatically adjust learning rate
    • Decided to use AdaDelta instead


At this point, I will implement the Agent using a Deep Neural Network with a simple multilayer construct. If that doesn’t suffice, I will implement the Agent with a Convolutional Network. Given that the state space is anticipated to be enormous, it is impractical to use a Q-table.

I speculate that the Net doesn’t learn very well because the changes in reward that occur due to a “better” move is very small (in the order of 1e-2); a better normalization scheme would be necessary. But how?